Archive for June, 2011

Squeak Oversight Board minutes – 6/21/11

June 22, 2011

Attending: Chris Muller, Bert Freudenberg, Randal Schwartz, Colin Putney, Levente Uzonyi, Jecel Assumpacao Jr., Chris Cunnington

– The box admin estimates that the Squeak server will be transferred to a Los Angeles location in approximately three months

– A request was made to update the part of at /community/teams

– There was a discussion about how people should gain access to resources such as adding a file to the FTP areas of the server. It was agreed that part of the responsibility of the SOB was to help facilitate initiatives that develop in the community

– Some ideas of Trunk management currently used in the Etoys repository were explored. Etoys uses a process of parsing a sequence of updates with links produced from the changes.