Archive for December, 2009

Preliminary Agenda for 1/6/2010

December 16, 2009

Contacting remaining contributors regarding licensing change

Improved packaging and availability

Software Freedom Conservancy Agreement

Free server hosting options

Packaging/Distribution of Contributed Packages with Release

Promotion and Visibility of Squeak

Development Progress

Squeak Swiki Improvement

Seaside support

Let us know of anything further.

Meeting Report for 12/16/2009

December 16, 2009

Unfortunately both Randal Schwartz and Andreas Raab were unable to attend today’s meeting.  Since these individuals are key to a number of topics, that rather limited the progress we could make today.  Present: Jecel Mattos de Assumpção Jr, Ken Causey, Bert Freudenberg, Craig Latta,  and Igor Stasenko.

Recently some community members expressed concern with the actions of the Squeak Oversight Board and suggested that we adopt more formal procedures, especially regarding dealing with teams, and develop a set of ‘Terms of Reference‘ (relevant Wikipedia article).  The Oversight Board discussed this somewhat and then brought the issue before the community.  Some discussion occurred and the results indicate that overall the community is satisfied with how the Oversight Board works and does not wish to add greater formality to the process.

The Software Freedom Conservancy has asked us to make one last attempt to contact anyone with a contribution remaining in our intended Squeak 4.0 MIT licensed who has not agreed to the relicense.  We are currently in the process of putting this together and then will wait a few weeks to be sure there has been sufficient time for them to respond back.

We discussed the packaging of Squeak for open-source *nix distributions like, for example, Debian.  José Luis Redrejo has made some efforts in this direction and in general we are in support of hist goals and the general goal of making Squeak more readily available to a wider audience.

Our next meeting is scheduled for January 6, 2010.

Preliminary Agenda for 12/16/2009

December 2, 2009

Software Freedom Conservancy Agreement

Free server hosting options

Packaging/Distribution of Contributed Packages with Release

Promotion and Visibility of Squeak

Development Progress

Squeak Swiki Improvement

Seaside support

Comment with any suggestions.

Meeting Report for 12/2/2009

December 2, 2009

Everyone made it this week:  Jecel Mattos de Assumpção Jr, Ken Causey, Bert Freudenberg, Craig Latta, Andreas Raab, Randal Schwartz, and Igor Stasenko.

Based on the excellence of his recent submissions to Trunk Andreas nominated Levente Uzonyi to be added to the Core Developers group.  This nomination was accepted unanimously by the Oversight Board.

Progress has been exceedingly slow regarding the relicensing of Squeak and our progress on joining the Software Freedom Conservancy.  But the process is accelerating and active discussions have begun regarding what needs to be done to finalize these projects.  Right now we are in communication with the Conservancy getting everyone up to speed on status and collecting necessary documentation.  There are possible further stumbling blocks ahead so we don’t want to make any promises yet regarding dates, but we are generally hopeful that the end is in sight.

We discussed a few other issues including the Swiki, documentation and support for Seaside in Squeak, hosting solutions, etc. but have more to do on these issues before reporting progress.

Our next meeting is scheduled for 12/16/2009.