Archive for April, 2009

Initial Agenda for May, 7th 2009

April 22, 2009

One of the changes agreed on during the last meeting was to post a prospective agenda sooner rather than later to give others a way of influencing the agenda more directly. As a consequence the initial agenda for the next meeting only includes our “standard” agenda items:

1. Project Updates
2. Licensing Status
3. Mission Statement
4. Teams Updates
5. Process improvements

Please add more items to the list!

Meeting report for 4/17/2009

April 17, 2009

Once again we had full attendance this week (Jecel Mattos de Assumpção Jr, Ken Causey, Bert Freudenberg, Craig Latta,  Andreas Raab, Randal Schwartz, and Igor Stasenko).

Randal, Craig, and Jecel appeared in a recent episode of Industry Misinterpretations to talk about Squeak.  You should give it a listen.  Also look forward to Jecel appearing again in a soon to be published episode talking about other related topics.

Randal and Craig spoke with representatives of the Software Freedom Conservancy to discuss the plan involved in producing a version of Squeak fully licensed under the MIT and Apache licenses that the SFC is willing to accept as a signicant criterion in our community joining the Conservancy as a member organization.  The next significant step in this process is to produce a report outlining the procedure used to produce the new version and discussing any work still to be done.  SFC will read this report to understand the status more fully and advise us on what is additionally needed.  Randal and Matthew Fulmer will be working on this report as time permits.

Andreas has started discussions with the 3.11 Release team to understand the status of this project and to assist in it’s completion. More information should be available on this subject soon.

Improved communication is one of our primary goals for this year and comes up in one form or another in every meeting, often in multiple forms.  Today we discussed the web presence of Squeak including improvements to and significant improvement or the replacement of  It seems like I say this for every issue but: more on this soon.  If you have any suggestions in this regard, we welcome them.

We’re still talking about a formal mission statement.  We got sidetracked a bit but did decide that this will be a our primary focus for our next meeting.  Hopefully soon after we will have at least an initial draft available for comments.

Our next meeting is scheduled for Thursday May 7th, 2009.  Our regular meeting schedule is the first and third Thursdays of each month, with occasional variations.  Expect a preliminary agenda for the next meeting soon.  We appreciate any additions to it you would like to suggest.

Agenda for April 17th 2009

April 15, 2009

Here is the proposed agenda for our upcoming meeting on Friday April 17th, 2009:

  1. Project Updates
  2. Seconds (aka backups)
  3. Licensing Release
  4. Mission Statement
  5. Teams
  6. Positioning towards other communities
  7. Process improvements (BPPs, decision making etc)

Have anything to add?  Let us know.

Meeting Report for 4/2/2009

April 3, 2009

We had full attendance this week (Jecel Mattos de Assumpção Jr, Ken Causey, Bert Freudenberg, Craig Latta,  Andreas Raab, Randal Schwartz, and Igor Stasenko).

Randal, Craig, and Jecel will be appearing soon in an episode of Industry Misinterpretations with James Robertson and Michael Lucas-Smith to talk about the present and future of Squeak.

Randal and Craig will be speaking with representatives of the Software Freedom Conservancy in the next few days to clarify the policy regarding production of a 4.0 release of Squeak fully licensed under the MIT and Apache licenses.  Hopefully we will have some news on the progress of this project again very soon.

Randal has become a member of the Board of Directors of the Linux Fund.  This is an honor and we congratulate him.

We spent a large part of the meeting discussing the status of teams.  We need to talk further with a few team leaders but look forward to a clarification of the status of teams and the team model. Randal will become the team advisor for the Release 4, Box-Admins, and News teams; Andreas will become the advisor to the Release 3.11 team.  A VM team will be slightly more formally formed from among the usual VM developers with Bert as the team advisor and David Lewis as the team leader and listed on the teams page.

For the remainder of the meeting we discussed a mission statement for 2009.  Discussion is still ongoing but we have started collecting possible goals and progressing towards a written statement.

Our next meeting is scheduled for Friday, April 17th, 2009.  If you have any suggestions for our discussions please let us know and look for a meeting agenda to be published on this blog around the 14th or 15th.

Agenda for April 2nd 2009

April 1, 2009

Here is the proposed agenda for our next meeting:

1.  Project updates.

2.  Outreach: Who represents the board for a podcast with James Robertson?

3. Teams, continued

4. Mission Statement for 2009

5. New Tasks for this year:

  • Positioning towards other communities
  • Process improvements (BPPs, decision making etc)